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04-01不详热度 0已有0人评论 加入收藏


可重复使用的口罩 reusable face masks



Last month, companies in Guangdong province, Beijing and Shanghai reported producing a new type of face mask that uses a nanomaterial membrane, rather than the typical melt-blown fabric, to filter bacteria, viruses and other pathogens, according to local health and medical products authorities.

The new masks are on par with N95 standards, meaning they filter particles of all sizes with at least 95 percent efficiency.

The masks are also comfortable, easy to breathe through and can be reused up to 20 times depending on the user's setting and wear time, the authorities said.

The retail price for the masks created by companies from Shanghai will be around 15 to 20 yuan each.

据企业自测,该口罩经受沸水、酒精、84消毒液等的反复消毒处理20次后,过滤性能(filtering efficiency)仍保持基本稳定,但企业在产品使用推荐中表示,反复消毒不要超过10次。

在口罩没有破损或者被污染的情况下,普通市民可自己随时给口罩消毒(disinfect their masks),其中一种易于操作的方式是,用70度以上热水浸泡15分钟(soak the used masks in higher-than-70-degree water for 15 minutes)或者56度以上热水浸泡30分钟,浸泡过的口罩可放在纸巾等吸水性能好的材料表面吸收水分,之后用电吹风的热风将口罩吹干。

16个新职业 16 new professions


The 16 new professions include intelligent manufacturing technicians, industrial internet technicians, virtual reality technicians, supply chain managers, artificial intelligence trainers, all-media operators, respiratory therapists, among others, according to the statement jointly issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and other departments.


据了解,这是自2015年版《中华人民共和国职业分类大典(Occupational Classification System of the People’s Republic of China)》颁布以来发布的第二批新职业。

职业分类(occupational classification)指按一定的规则、标准及方法,按照职业的性质和特点,把一般特征和本质特征相同或相似的社会职业,分成并统一归纳到一定类别系统中去的过程。


人社部相关负责人表示,此批公布的新职业由人力资源社会保障部组织职业分类专家,严格按照标准和程序从大量新职业征集建议中评估论证(experts carefully and strictly chose all of the 16 new professions based on relevant standards and procedures),并通过网络媒体等向社会公示,广泛征求相关部门及社会各界意见后确定。

此次发布的其他新职业还有:连锁经营管理师(chain operations managers)、网约配送员(delivery personnel for online orders)、电气电子产品环保检测员(environmental monitors of electrical and electronic products)、健康照护师(health carers)、出生缺陷防控咨询师(birth defects prevention consultants)、康复辅助技术咨询师(assistive technology consultants for rehabilitation)、无人机装调检修工(drone operation and maintenance personnel)、铁路综合维修工(railway general maintenance personnel)和装配式建筑施工员(prefabricated building constructors)。

在线教育 online education


Many provinces are introducing concrete measures to help poverty-stricken students attend online courses while making great efforts to fight the epidemic.

In Guangdong province, the Guangdong Provincial Education Foundation has purchased more than 9,000 tablet computers for junior and senior high school students to attend online courses.

Students without mobile phones or TVs should go to village committee offices or activity rooms of the Communist Party of China to attend the courses, said the statement issued by local authorities in Henan province.


Local administrations and enterprises should also pledge efforts to promote the construction of networks and base stations to enhance network conditions of schools, while online education platforms should continuously optimize their online services, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) said.

In the mean time, the ministry encouraged telecom operators to implement preferential measures for impoverished students to ease their pressure of internet charges.

用眼疲劳 eye fatigue



A break of 10 minutes is necessary to relax the eyes after working continuously for 30 minutes to an hour, said Wei Wenbin, head of the ophthalmology department with Beijing Tongren Hospital, noting that remote working requires looking at screens for a long time, which could lead to eyestrain.

He called for a distance of 40 cm from computer screens during work and proper background light to reduce eye fatigue.


这里的eyestrain和eye fatigue均表示“眼睛疲劳”,有时eyestrain也写作eye strain,常见的眼睛疲劳症状有:眼睛发热或发痒(burning eyes or itchy eyes)、眼睛红肿(sore or irritated eyes)容易流泪(watery eyes)、视线模糊或重影(blurred or double vision)、眼睛对光敏感(sensitivity to light),以及肩颈背痛(pain in the neck, shoulders, or back)等。


People should ensure adequate sleep of seven to eight hours each night and exercise at home, including yoga, jogging, or sit-ups, said Wei, adding that computer keyboards should be cleaned regularly to prevent conjunctivitis caused by bacteria.


Looking away from the computer screen up to a distance of 20 feet for 20 seconds every 20 minutes helps in reducing the stress in the eyes.
看屏幕20分钟后,抬头眺望20英尺(6米)外的远处至少20 秒钟以上有助于缓解眼部压力。

Firmly massaging the temples with your fingers in a rotary fashion for a minute while closing your eyes is often helpful in relieving the symptoms.

Repeated blinking eye exercise should be done for 10 seconds at least 5 times a day.

Changing brightness and contrast levels on your monitor and increasing text size can also be advantageous.

网上就业 online employment


China expects to see a total of 8.74 million college graduates this year, data from the Ministry of Education (MOE) showed.


The MOE launched a 24-hour online campus recruitment service to help graduates find jobs amid the COVID-19 epidemic.

The free service is available on the ministry's campus recruitment portal and five leading job-hunting websites in China, which had all put in place special pages for the project, according to the ministry.


通知指出,在线招聘要严格信息审核(strictly verify the job information),确保招聘单位及岗位信息真实准确。鼓励通过网络实现人岗信息精准推送、网上面试(conduct online interview)、网上签约(sign employment contract online)。


The country will expand recruitment in senior high schools and kindergartens where teachers are urgently needed, and encourage more graduates to find jobs or start businesses in sectors including modern agriculture and social public services.

College graduates will also be encouraged to join the military.

方舱休舱 makeshift hospitals closed

Makeshift hospitals built to treat novel coronavirus infected patients with mild symptoms in Wuhan, Hubei province, the epicenter of the outbreak, are expected to wrap up operation around March 10, China Central Television reported on Sunday.


“方舱医院”是解放军野战机动医疗系统的一种(part of mobile field medical system of the PLA),在各种应急救治中也有广泛使用。“方舱医院”一般由医疗功能单元(medical treatment)、病房单元(ward)、技术保障单元(technical support)等部分构成,是一种模块化卫生装备,具有紧急救治(emergency treatment)、外科处置(surgical treatment)、临床检验(clinical tests)等多方面功能。

Since Feb 5, 14 makeshift hospitals in the city have been operating, with the longest running for 33 days, and treating more than 12,000 cases, it said.

As of Sunday afternoon, 11 of the 14 hospitals have suspended operation, with their patients either discharged or transferred to designated hospitals, it said.

There are a little more than 100 patients still being treated in the remaining three makeshift hospitals.

意大利封国 Italy under lockdown


当地时间3月9日夜间,意大利总理孔特宣布,因新冠疫情严峻,人员流动紧急管控措施将扩大至意大利全境(extend the emergency quarantine measures across the entire country)。


“The figures show we are experiencing a serious increase in infections, an increase in people hospitalised in intensive care – and an increase, unfortunately, in deaths. We need to change our lifestyle. We need to change it now. That’s why I have decided to adopt these hard measures,” said Conte.

"The whole of Italy will become a protected zone," he added.

"We all must give something up for the good of Italy. We have to do it now.

“There is no more time. I will take responsibility for these measures. Our future is in our hands,” he told reporters.

孔特将此次管控措施称为“我待在家(I stay at home)”,具体措施包括:

People are forbidden to gather in public.

All public events will be banned, cinemas, theatres, gyms, discos and pubs closed, and funerals and weddings cancelled.

All sporting events - including football matches - are suspended nationwide. Schools and universities will remain closed until April 3.

Those who have to leave their region or their cities out of serious necessity can do so only if they have self-certification stating that they must cross the borders for compelling business reasons, health reasons, or because they have to return home.

There are controls at train stations to check the temperatures of passengers. Cruise ships are also forbidden to dock at various ports.

People may face fines and up to three months in jail for breaking quarantine rules.

关键字:2020 新闻 英语 词汇
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