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04-24不详热度 0已有0人评论 加入收藏

Each passenger:

Everybody is good! Today, you are my beautiful west lake tour guide: Fang Zifang (write your own name!) . Let's start with slowly as the ship started to move, to visit the beautiful west lake!

The west lake is located in: the west of hangzhou city, zhejiang province. The west lake of the water area of 4.37 square kilometers, 15 kilometers lakeshore circumference, level are 2.27 meters deep, the deepest in 5 meters.

First of all, we came to the orioles singing, the willows is nanshan scenic city nearest a park, it is also one of the west lake old ten views. Willow is a main feature in the park. Look at both sides, gathered here the spring of 500 strains of willows, the weeping willow, with one's lot, the willow tree, on both sides of the various, very good-looking, south park inclined rod bending branches of that kind of, in the breeze, the yaw, like a drunken beauty, known as the "drunken liu"

Now, we came to the legend of the white niang son met xu xian the broken bridge. Broken bridge, today is located in the bai causeway eastern end. Many sizes in the ancient west lake bridge, it is most famous. Everyone looked down, below is the sparkling lake, the lake is the sunlight, like many gold sprinkled on the lake, very beautiful! Attention, do not litter, can take pictures here, rest now.

Well, today is here, finally I wish you all: have a good journey, goodbye!

关键字:浙江 杭州 英文 导游
上一篇: 杭州英文导游词
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